On the margins of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA77), the U.S.-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry. will host the annual USBCCI Business Expo — a B2B trade show, conference & networking event aimed at helping the U.S and Bangladesh businesses with their export-ready products expand into international markets.
The world’s most important meeting – the UN General Assembly (UNGA) is here again. This year’s format may be different, but the USBCCI Business Expo is still here to help businesses navigate and expand into international markets.
This year’s theme – “Export-Import Opportunity for US-Bangladesh Sustainable Development”
What is the USBCCI Business Expo? USBCCI Business Expo is the only B2B Trade Show, Conference & Networking Event taking place in the margins of the UN General Assembly in NYC. The expo is an enabling platform for connecting U.S. and Bangladesh businesses with new buyers, suppliers, and investment opportunities. It brings the opportunities in Bangladesh and the U.S together – enabling any business to find the people, funding, and market it needs to be successful.
Developing US-Bangladesh Economic Ties
For over Four years, we have hosted multiple events at the UN towards connecting organizations and businesses with new buyers, suppliers, and investment opportunities. Many of the connections made at this has led to long-term relationships and strategic partnerships.